October 21, 2019

Call for Papers
Mathematical Programming, Series B
Special Issue on Global Solution of Integer, Stochastic and Nonconvex Optimization Problems

Integer, stochastic, and nonconvex optimization problems arise in a huge number of engineering and business applications including energy systems, supply chain management, manufacturing, and finance, to name a few. Obtaining solutions with optimality guarantees relative to the global optimal solution  remains challenging due to the nonconvexity and large-scale nature of such problems.  We invite submissions of manuscripts making theoretical and computational contributions toward the goal of globally solving optimization problems having integer, stochastic, or nonconvex components. In particular, we invite contributions that honor the spirit of the broad contributions made in these fields by our late colleague, Shabbir Ahmed, to whom this special issue will be dedicated.

Submitted manuscripts should fit into the general scope of Mathematical Programming and will be reviewed according to the standards of Mathematical Programming, Series A. Please submit manuscript using the Mathematical Programming style files with a maximum of 25 pages. See https://www.springer.com/journal/10107/submission-guidelines for submission guidelines, including LaTeX macro files.

The deadline for submission is 15 February 2020. We aim at completing a first review of all submissions by the 15 July 2020.

Authors should submit their manuscripts via https://www.editorialmanager.com/mapr/ . When submitting, select article type as "MPB - Special Issues Only", and after uploading your manuscript, select "Global Solution of Integer, Stochastic, and Nonconvex Optimization" as the "Section/Category".

Please direct questions about the special issue to the guest editors:

Santanu S. Dey
School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology

Jim Luedtke
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Nikolaos V. Sahinidis
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University